How are we gonna explain to our grand childeren why we went crazy over toilet paper? We probably won’t tell them at all! Dad, were you one of the toilet paper hoarding people back in 2020? No son, not me, not me. Yeah, sure. Are we gonna see a chapter in the history books called ‘The age of toilet paperia’? A bit too many people have bought a bit of many toilet paper. Now it turns out that there is enough toilet paper to go around and we are stuck with more paper than we can store. So what do we do? We come up with creative ways to get that paper where it belongs: the toilet!What did you get for your birthday? A massive roll of toiletpaper? Wauw, she must really hate you! Well, that didn’t age well. I think the gift giver realizes at this point that he or she has given away a fortune. Not many people can say they are the toilet paper kings, especially in 2020. Congratulations my man!
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